Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Project Details The project is for the design and construction of the Digital Infrastructure Capability Expansion (DICE) facility based upon the conceptual design. It is a one-story facility of approximately 13,000 square feet with a 1,700 square foot basement vault for the connection of the campus fiber and copper infrastructure that is then routed up…

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Engineering Services for a Pharmaceutical Company

Project Details Co-Developed Data Center Design Standards Intuva has worked with a large pharmaceutical company for many years, providing engineering and assessment services for many of their global sites. We have co-developed a set of design standards for IT edge-site server rooms with a focus on resiliency and redundancy. Situation No Global Data Center Strategy,…

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Greenfield Data Center for a Research Lab

Project Details Greenfield Stand-Alone Primary Edge Data Center As the General Contractor for a research laboratory, Intuva Data Center Solutions addressed the issue of an aging data center that was pushing the limits of the existing support infrastructure. We provided construction and commissioning services, and built an efficient, new greenfield data center in one year.…

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Edge Data Center Design & Colocation Migration

Project Details Intuva Provides Ongoing Data Center Support for New York City Law Firm Highlights 2000-2013 NYC Primary & Backup Edge Data Center Iterations 2016 Edge Backup Data Center Migration to CyrusOne Colocation 2022 Hybrid Advisory Services, New Edge / Consolidated IDF Stack Design, NYC-to-NYC Relocation, Primary Data Center Colocation Migration Contact Us Data Center…

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Data Center Renovation/Maintenance Management

Project Details Live Primary Edge Design/Build Intuva has a long history of working closely with a large retailer-owned cooperative.For this particular project, we focused on a data center renovation to address the increased risk and cost associated with aging (and capacity-constrained) support infrastructure. The primary data center was to remain operational throughout upgrades and renovations…

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Consulting, Maintenance, & Emergency Services for Utility Company

Project Details Consulting, Maintenance, & Emergency Services Implemented a multi-year power, cooling, monitoring, &maintenance standardization plan across ~75 remote IT operating sites across NJ, NY & CT Provide design/build A/E/C/C services on an as-needed basis Maintain multi-state emergency responder status to provide any-time scheduled or emergency services Situation Had approximately 75 sites in the Northeastern…

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