Hybrid Data Center as a Campus

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Data Center Strategy

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Data Center Design and Engineering

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Data Center Construction and Commissioning

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Group 1018
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Project Details

Energy saving and sustainable systems

A number of synergies can also be found between other energy-saving and sustainable systems

The building inside can be divided into two separate functions: the data center part and the biological products, processing one. The latter will house, besides the greenhouse/vertical farm operations, methane digester systems and a wastewater treatment plant on-site. That way the Hybrid becomes even more sustainable by creating its own energy supply and clean water for irrigation.

The open roof garden will help retain rainwater and reduce the amount of water directed to the sewer and the overall consumption.

With the application of immersion cooling, we can save space and maximize the waste heat captured. This wat we can properly heat the whole greenhouse, as well as redistribute the heat to the district, or implement other systems that require heat, such as a methane digester and a wastewater treatment plant on-site.

  • Consolidate IT from two (2) data centers into the a new one &reclaim ~1kSF of old data center space
  • Renovate the original space to new standards to double the available IT white space
  • Proposed using fuel cells to mitigate $15M+ CAPEX to upgrade utility service for stand-alone data center, versus Intuva to provide an anchor-tenant colocation model for a new data center


Assigned dedicated Owner’s Rep team including Project Engineer, Project Manager & Assistant Project Manager

Value-engineered the design to improve permit likelihood and improve operability

Project delivery on-target and on-budget despite labor and supply challenges

Group 6934 (3)


Utility company is fast-tracking utility approvals saving ~4 weeks on the schedule

This semiconductor and specialty materials manufacturer has multiple projects across multiple states

Scheduled to deliver critical power~2 weeks ahead of schedule


Owner’s Representation Services

Engineering Peer Review Services

Delivered Ahead of Schedule

Stayed On Budget

Group 6933 (4)

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