Greenfield Data Center for a Research Lab

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Data Center Strategy

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Data Center Operations and Management

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Data Center Design and Engineering

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Data Center Construction and Commissioning

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Project Details

Greenfield Stand-Alone Primary Edge Data Center

As the General Contractor for a research laboratory, Intuva Data Center Solutions addressed the issue of an aging data center that was pushing the limits of the existing support infrastructure. We provided construction and commissioning services, and built an efficient, new greenfield data center in one year. Intuva will provide ongoing support for this project for the next 10 years.

  • Address Aging & Capacity Constrained Supporting Infrastructure
  • Increase space, power, and cooling capacity
  • Build new Greenfield Data Center


Aging primary data center

Operating at the power and cooling limits of existing supporting infrastructure


Construction of a LEED Gold Data Center

Improved efficiency with a PUE of 1.4

The ability to support the mission of securing extremely sensitive data

Increased reliability from Tier I to a new Tier III with Tier IV Attributes

Intuva provided construction services and are to provide 10 years of ongoing support

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Increased Risk & Cost

Increased risk of downtime to operations as result of higher failure rates

Out of space, power, & cooling

Increased operational costs due to increased scheduled an unscheduled maintenance

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