Edge Data Center Upgrade Strategy for a Healthcare Facility

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Data Center Strategy

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Data Center Design and Engineering

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Data Center Construction and Commissioning

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Group 1018
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Project Details

  • Consolidate IT from two (2) data centers into the a new one &reclaim ~1kSF of old data center space
  • Renovate the original space to new standards to double the available IT white space
  • Proposed using fuel cells to mitigate $15M+ CAPEX to upgrade utility service for stand-alone data center, versus INTUVA to provide an anchor-tenant colocation model for a new data center


Increased risk of downtime to operations because of higher failure rates

Have two (2) aging edge data centers, some colocation & cloud
On premises infrastructure needs have been, shrinking

Increased operational costs due to increased scheduled and unscheduled maintenance

Wasted and unused IT space


Updated the strategic plan for data center operations

New, reliable, resilient, primary edge to adapt to a less-predictable future

Group 6934 (1)


What is the Right Hybrid Data Center Strategy for this Edge Data Center?

A healthcare provider in the Northeastern US approached INTUVA to upgrade their existing Edge Data Center and for an IDF Design/Build renovation. They needed a viable long-term data center plan to better adapt their IT so they would be better prepared for an unpredictable future.

Before and After

Before & after upgrading edge data center

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